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Training courses


I organize events of open conferences and healings throughout Italy, also at the request of holistic centers and private individuals.


During the conference stage, lasting about an hour, participants have the opportunity to ask questions over the topics of Spiritual Healing.


At the end of the conference, the participant can freely attend the healing of others, and eventually decide whether to receive Divine Alignment and Spiritual Healing.


The information is published, and is constantly updated, on my Facebook page - link below.



I organize events of open conferences and healings throughout Italy, also at the request of holistic centers and private individuals.


During the conference stage, lasting about an hour, participants have the opportunity to ask questions over the topics of Spiritual Healing.


At the end of the conference, the participant can freely attend the healing of others, and eventually decide whether to receive Divine Alignment and Spiritual Healing.


The information is published, and is constantly updated, on my Facebook page - link below.

Spiritual Healing


The Spiritual Healing according to the Filipino tradition is based on the centering and connection of the healer with his Spirit Guides.


Contact with one's own Spiritual Guides and Beings of Light is essential: the healer receives information to identify energy blocks , and intervenes to remove them and bring new energy.


Thanks to this course:

  1. You learn how to establish contact with your Spirit Guides

  2. You identify and remove energy blocks - yours or other's

  3. You receive the third eye opening, of first level


According to the Filipino tradition, the training to achieve maximum expansion as a healer consists of three distinct levels .


In Italy it is possible to attend the first two training levels.

The third and last level is residential in the Philippines; it is organized at least once a year, and is taught directly by Filipino healers.



The training to become a Reiki operator, according to the teaching method which I was initiated to, is based on three main levels.

Through the first level you receive the energetic activation of Reiki. At the end of the training day you will be ready to practice healing on yourself and on other people.


The second level introduces Symbols. This stage allows the enhancement of treatments, and rudiments to operate at a distance.

The third and last level is dedicated to those who wish to become formators.

At the end you will be able to transmit the first and second level activations to new operators, so that they can use the same healing energy.

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