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Here I am

Curious by nature, and convinced that there are no limits whatsoever, I am always looking for something that "goes beyond", to restore and increase the well-being of the human being and his evolution.


As a Spiritual Healer, I mainly practice Divine Realignment and spiritual healings according to the traditional Filipino method.


I have gathered training and experience in many other fields related to health, well-being, and the evolution of the human being. I am also a spiritual alchemist, Reiki master, and radiesthesist technician.


I receive in my studio in Gussago - province of Brescia, and I work throughout Italy in holistic centers, associations or spaces that wishto welcome me.

I am available with the organization of events and training courses, both in Italy and abroad.

Sebastiano Rivetti Guarigioni Spirituali Allineamento Divino Allineamento Spirituale Allineamento Vertebrale Riequilibrio Chakra Reiki Medianità Guarigione Filippina Radiestesia Segnature Organi Centrali Carte Energetiche Cristalli Tecnica Metamorfica Massaggio Metamorfico Colonna Vertebrale Dolori Cervicale Mal di Schiena Centratura Lucidità Spirituale Evoluzione 4 Elementi Chirurgia Spirituale psychic surgery

Let's start here ...

I am a Spiritual Healer.

Doing so makes me feel good, first: it gives me immense joy and pleasure, peace and serenity.


And then, right after my own personal joy, I am able to convey the expansion of my entire being to those who choose to receive Spiritual Healing through me.


The starting point of a Spiritual Healing is to "pay yourself first": to choose yourself first, according to the most personal and intimate declination for everyone. This is the only possible way to walk towards your own growth and evolution, and begin to experience that everything - whatever is best for us - happens spontaneously.

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